Health Related Problems

>> Friday, November 27, 2009

Since March 1999 Bunbury Regional Hospital and St John of God Hospital, Bunbury have been co-located at the corner of Robertson Drive and South West Highway in Bunbury. Bunbury Regional Hospital is part of a large network of public hospitals and nursing posts spread across the State to provide accessible health care to all communities.

There are also hospital support services and palliative care facilities. A broad range of in-patient and out-patient health care services is provided to match the needs of the community. In-patient services may include medical, surgical, paediatric, obstetric and rehabilitation services while Out-patient services may include emergency services, day procedures, diagnostic and assessment services, and therapy services.

Support is also provided for various community based programs to prevent or reduce the need for hospitalisation.St John of God Hospital is a 92-bed hospital originally established in 1927 and since February 2007, the hospital has 5 operating theatres and 120 beds in operation. The hospital's Medical Centre houses a wide range of specialities provided by permanent and visiting medical practitioners. Specialty services include radiology, pathology, allied health and hydrotherapy services.

The hospital also provides community based services such as alcohol and other drug services, palliative care, volunteer program and the Busselton Medical Centre. St John of God Hospital, Bunbury is a division of St John of God Health Care, one of Australia's largest health care providers.

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